Examination Policies and Evaluation Framework

Examination: Protocols and Scoring Guidelines

1. Examination Pattern:

1. New pattern of examination had been introduced based on Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) by the University of Mumbai starting from the year 2016-2017.
2. Attendance for every examination is compulsory. Students who are medically unfit or suffering from communicable illnesses will have to produce fitness certificate before appearing for the examination.
3. The Scheme of Evaluation shall be divided into two components for self-financing courses and Foundation course as per university circular.
a) Internal assessment
b) External assessment (Semester End Examination) for each course of the Programme.

2. Standard of Passing

The learners/student have to obtain minimum (i.e. 40% marks) in internal assessment and minimum 40% marks in Semester End examination separately and minimum E Grade for the Project (wherever applicable). A student will be declared pass only if he/she passes the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination together.

Grading System

a) A learner who passes in the Internal Examination but fails in the Semester End Examination of the Course shall reappear for the semester end examination of that course. However his/her marks of the Internal examination shall be carried over and she shall be entitled for grade obtained by her on passing.
b) A learner who passes in the Semester End Examination but fails in the Internal Assessment of the Course shall reappear for the Internal Examination of the Course in the form of projects for that course. However his/her marks of the Semester End Examination shall be carried over and she shall be entitled for grade obtained by her on passing.

3. A.T.K.T. System (Allowed To Keep Term)

a. Rules for ATKT for Science Faculty

i. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester II irrespective of number of heads of Failure in Semester I.
ii. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester III if
  a) She passes each of Semester l and Semester II.
  b) He/She fails in not more than three courses in each of Semester l and (for all subjects carrying 900 or more marks.)
iii. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for semester IV irrespective of number of heads of failure in Semester III.
iv. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for semester V if
  a) He/She passes in each of Sem. I, II, III and IV
  b) He/She passes either Sem. I and II OR Sem. III and IV and She fails in not more than 3 courses in each of Sem I and II and passes in Sem. Ill and IV.
  c) He/She fails in not more than 3 courses in each of Sem. III and IV passes in Sem. I and II
  d) The Result of Sem. VI shall be kept in abeyance by the University until the learner passes each of Semesters I, II, III, IV and V examinations. 5.3 Rules for ATKT for Arts and Commerce Faculties:

b. Rules for ATKT for Arts and Commerce Faculty

i. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester II irrespective of number of heads of Failure in Semester I.
ii. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester III If
  a) He/She passes each of Semester 1 and Semester II.
  b) He/She fails in not more than four courses of Sem. I and Sem. II taken together with not more than two courses in each of Semester I and II.
iii. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for semester IV irrespective of number of heads of failure in Semester III
iv. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for semester V if
  a) He/She passes in each of Sem. I, II, II and IV.
  b) He/She passes either Sem. I and II OR Sem. III and IV AND he/she fails in not more than 2 courses in each of Sem. I and II and passes in Sem. III and IV
  c) He/She fails in not more than 2 courses in each of Sem. Ill and IV passes in Sem. I and II.
  d) The Result of Sem. VI shall be kept in abeyance by the University until the learner passes each of Semesters I, II, III, IV and V examinations.

c. ATKT Examinations

i. Learners securing ATKT should apply for the subsequent examination in the prescribed form along with examination fees before the due date, in order to clear the required subjects.
ii. ATKT examinations for failures in Sem. I, II, III and IV are conducted twice in a year as notified by the university. Details are notified on the notice board.
iii. Rules for ATKT are subject to change as per University guidelinesnreceived from time to time.

4. Warning

i. Mobiles are strictly prohibited in the examination hall. College will not be responsible for the loss of mobile.
ii. The College does not encourage copying, use of unfair means during examinations or any form of unethical practices. Please do not bring any request regarding any such matter to any staff of College/Principal.

5. Revaluation, Verification and Photocopies

i. Revaluation of answer books shall be as per norms prescribed by the University of Mumbai.
ii. Verification facility is also available, which includes corrections of mistakes, if any, in transfer of entries, totaling and correction of un-assessed parts of answer/answer book. Verification does not include reassessment of the answer book.
iii. Learners can also avail the facility of obtaining photocopies of own answer books from the Examination committee as per University norms. Learners should contact the examination committee within the stipulated time period after declaration of results for the above mentioned facilities.

6. Exemption

An unsuccessful candidate who obtains the minimum percentage of marks prescribed for passing in a subject/practical may at his/her option be exempted from appearing in that subject practical at his/her subsequent appearance and will be declared to have passed the whole examination on his/her passing in the remaining subjects/practicals in which she has failed.

7. Unfair means at Examinations

Students found adopting unfair means at the examinations (inclusive of theory and practical examinations, tests and tutorials) will be dealt with as per the University Rules, MU Act 1994 and the provisions of Act No XXXI/1982 as the case may be.

8. Conversion of Marks to Grades and Calculation of GPA

Abbreviations and Formulae used

1. G - Grade
2. GP - Grade Points
3. C - Credits
4. CP - Credit Points
5. CG - Credits X Grades (Product of Credits & Grades)
6. SCG - Sum of Product of Credit and Grade Points
7. SC - Sum of Credit Points
9. SGPA - Semester Grade Point Average shall be calculated for individual semesters, (it is also designated as GPA)
10. CGPA - Cumulative Grade Point Average shall be calculated for the entire course by taking all semesters taken together.

9. Grade Cards

i. The result gazette and the format of the Grade Cards for the semesters conducted by colleges on behalf of the University will be uniform for all the Colleges/Institutions.
ii. The Grade Cards will be printed along with the marks shown for all the concerned courses in the programme.
iii. The SGPA will be calculated only for the learners who will qualify in all the courses and accordingly the Grade will be awarded to them.
iv. In case a learner's is not qualified in a particular courses of a programme, he/she shall be allowed to accumulate the credits of qualified courses only of the said programme and the Grade Card will be issued with Credit Accumulate' and the remark as 'FAIL.
Examination Rules are subject to changes as per guidelines received from the University of Mumbai.